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Patty Wittjohann

Head Receptionist

After being a stay-at-home mom for 18 years, I was welcomed to the team here at Roseland Animal Care 11years ago as a receptionist. It is my wish to assist you with any of your pet’s/pets’ needs, be sympathetic towards your concerns and problems, and have all your questions satisfactorily answered.

Animals have been a love of mine and part of my entire life. I have bred German Shepherds and until recently, was involved in Schutzhund training. I am fascinated with animal behavior.

My personal life revolves around my husband, my son and daughter, and my home. I enjoy people, learning about different cultures their traditions and cuisine. I like to cook, bake, play tennis, and volleyball and the list of things I still want to do is endless. Our travels often take us to Germany where my husband and I were raised and still have a large circle of family and friends.

My life prior to having children, I worked for Nabisco Brands in the Auditing and Corporate Security Department for 11 years and enjoyed many of the company’s products. Congratulations,Our son Derek is married and currently working at Merril Lynch.